Non-pedigree Dogs
Non-pedigree or mixed breed dog have both advantages and disadvantages.
One advantage often cited is that mixed breed dogs, by their very nature, have good genetic diversity, which in most cases promotes good overall health. However, recent research (‘Vet records of over 150,000 dogs’) from RSPCA / Royal Vet college, shows no difference in health aspects between Pedigree and Crossbreed/Mongrel dogs.
Mixed Breeds
Some people like mixed breed dogs because their diverse ancestry makes them somewhat unique. Cute names hiding bizarre combinations: Cockapoo, Borgis, Cavador, Golden Saints, Hugs and Jugs attract buyers with a ‘design your own dog mentality’.
This results in breeding for profit only.
- High prices
- ‘Not what it said on the tin’. More and more labradoodle types being rescued: over 1000 in UK last year
- Unscrupulous breeders: no health checks and little socialization.
The best reason for getting a cross breed dog is that most dogs in animal shelters are non-pedigree and it’s important that they find homes.
There are disadvantages to choosing a non-pedigree dog though. It is often hard or impossible to determine what mix of breeds the dog is. This makes it difficult to predict the general behaviour, size and appearance that a puppy may have as an adult. The disposition of a puppy’s parents can be a good indicator of how the puppy will develop but, in a lot of cases, the puppy’s parentage is unknown. Pedigree dogs have well documented medical histories whereas, with mixed breed dogs, health problems are unpredictable. Finally, If you want a dog with a specific skill set (such as herding or hunting) or to compete in specialised canine events , pedigree is a much better option.