Overview of dog ownership
Dogs have lived with humans for centuries, guarding us, herding our animals, and helping us to hunt. Nowadays they are mainly used for companionship.
Having a dog in your life can be a wonderful experience. Apart from the love and companionship, dog owners receive health benefits, typically living longer than those who don’t own dogs.
Big Responsibility
Owning a dog is a big responsibility. When you take on a dog, it is your job to care for all their needs. Everything from exercise, bedding, and nutritious food is all under your control. Dogs are animals like us, and therefore subject to a similarly wide variety of diseases and illnesses. Vet bills can put a strain on your budget unless you get you pet insured.
Long Life Span
Unlike some other pets, dogs have a relatively long life span. Advancements in veterinary medicine, along with improved living conditions, have also lengthened their life considerably. How long your dog will live will depend a lot on its breed, but the usual range is anywhere from seven to fourteen years. It is becoming less uncommon for dogs to live into their late teens.
Suit Your Needs
Living with a dog is rewarding, fulfilling, and sometimes demanding, coming with a very real responsibility. That’s why the resources here on getting a dog to suit your needs, day-to-day living with a dog, the cost of dog ownership and more should prove useful.