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Organisation Structure

The work of the Irish Kennel Club is overseen by a Board of Directors, while voluntary committees enable the smooth running of the club in several key areas.

These are the Field Trials Committee, the Judges Committee, and the Agility, Obedience & Working Trials Committee.

President: Mrs. P. O’Boyle, ex-officio to all  committees
Vice President: Mrs. M. O’Donoghue, ex-officio to all  committees
Treasurer: Mr. P. Behan, ex-officio to all committees

An Ard Chomhairle

An Ard Chomhairle is the Irish Kennel Clubs central and final decision making authority. The members of An Ard Chomhairle are representatives nominated by clubs affiliated to the Irish Kennel Club. It elects the Officers of the Club, the Board of Directors and the Field Trials, Judges and the Agility, Obedience & Working Trials committees.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors Committee of the Irish Kennel Club is elected by An Ard Chomhairle. It meets on a regular basis to discuss strategic issues facing the club and to oversee the club’s management. It is currently chaired by Mr. D. Alford (Chairman).

Field Trials Committee

The Field Trials Committee sets rules for and oversees regular field trials approved by the Irish Kennel Club. It is currently chaired by Ms. Alison Corbally.

Judges Committee

The Judges Committee oversees the approval of judges, and also the regulations governing which dogs are regarded as the equivalent of a green star. It is currently chaired by Ms. C. Fallon.

Agility, Obedience & Working Trials Committee

The Agility, Obedience & Working Trials Committee governs the rules and approval of competitive events in agility and obedience. It is currently chaired by Mrs. J. Owens Poole.